Happy, Sad, Excited, Scared.....that pretty much sums up how I'm feeling this week as we begin Phase II of The Great Move of 2010. Mr. Amazing spent a restful week in Canada fishing and is recharged and ready to get the "show on the road." This means I'll be off line for a week at least while we get ourselves situated in our temporary quarters. If all goes as planned, Friday at noon, we will no longer own our home and a new family will get to make memories, be they good or bad, at that address. Over the 21 years we've lived in our home, many neighbors became friends and so the sad part is leaving them behind. I know, I know....Christmas cards will be sent but it's not the same as being able to run across the street and borrow a cup of sugar! I'm guessing I won't get to the excited part until a big yellow digger drives to our lot and starts making a hole in the ground for our foundation! So, please stay tuned!
IAT Blue Spring Lake Segment
Today was a beautiful day to hike the Ice Age Trail! It started out crisp
and cool but ended up delightfully warm and was sunny all morning and
afternoon. ...
2 days ago