Flickr Photo by Chris B In Sea
FINALLY....Spring has arrived here in the Midwest! The Robins are back, Cardinals have visited the feeder, my neice has planted lots of cool weather garden goodies, and the fields are starting to green up. Because we moved into our cottage in November, we didn't have time to plant a lawn. So we're surrounded by mud.....lots and lots of mud! Conversations have now turned to planting a lawn and putting in a driveway. I've been pretty adamate about not wanting asphalt or cement. My vision for this cottage in the woods is more like the beautiful eco friendly driveway above.
Or this incredible gravel driveway belonging to Kelley at The Polished Pebble. If it's possible to have a new favorite blog......Kelleys is it! You can check out her blog at ppebble.blogspot.com.

Photo by Kelly at The Polished Pebble
Though Mr. Amazing agrees this driveway is indeed "lovely," he's quick to remind me that both of the above driveways are in warm climates and we live in the Midwest...where we deal with snow, lots and lots of snow. After a long winter of snowplowing, a good portion of that beautiful gravel would end up in our shrubs and grass. Way to spoil a girl's dream!
Not I just have to decide which is the lesser of two evils....cement or asphalt!