To Curtain or Not to Curtain...That Is The Question
My intention was to leave all my lovely windows free from blinds or curtains. But, it's looking like I will need something at this window as the morning sun shines right on my new sofa.
Same problem at my house. I bought some white cotton voile curtains at the Company Store that let some light in and a bit of the view while not immediately letting my sofa fade.
WELCOME! My husband and I are the parents of two grown children and grandparents of three ADORABLE grandsons. We've just retired and built our "cottage in the woods" so please idle awhile and I'll take you along for the ride!
IAT Blue Spring Lake Segment
Today was a beautiful day to hike the Ice Age Trail! It started out crisp
and cool but ended up delightfully warm and was sunny all morning and
afternoon. ...
Spring Greetings
Greetings dear friends! Thank you for all of your wonderful notes over the
past several months, and please accept my sincere apologizes for not
best day
happy thanksgiving!
hope you have the best pie, turkey, parade watching day ever!
pie seems to be a big theme around here.
guess since i lived in pie town...
Can't believe that I have been at my full time job for 12 months. It
really does seem like yesterday when I started. I am on annual leave at
the moment,...
What Not To Do During A Heatwave
Harvest garlic.
It was certainly a chore, but I pulled the rest of the garlic. The leaves
were looking so brown and dried out, I was certain that if I l...
Same problem at my house. I bought some white cotton voile curtains at the Company Store that let some light in and a bit of the view while not immediately letting my sofa fade.