Saturday, June 23, 2012

Oak Tree

As I take my daily walks I'm trying to be more, well... "present." Deepak Chopra, a pioneer in the field of mind-body medicine, says its important.  The bottom line's all about spiritual wellness.  For a good part of my life I haven't been "present." I was either worrying about something that's already happened or wondering about the something that might happen in the future.  So, I've been taking my camera along for my walks and I snapped a few "present" shots of one of our oak trees as it began to leaf out this spring.  I wondered just HOW the leaves developed so I took a few progression shots.  They're such magnificent trees, some of them probably over a hundred years old.  Yet, every year with the advent of spring, they renew the cycle of life by shooting out thousands of leaves and acorns.  I love my oak trees..., back to my walk!

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